Domains & Hosting
We are proud to offer unsurpassed levels of support and service of domain names and website hosting. We are one of only a few companies in the country specialising in the application and set-up of domain names with JANET, the UK's Education and Research Domain Name Network. We have also managed to incorporate the cost of the domain name into our website packages*, which means that you can have your own / / .net / .com or .info domain name free charge.
Recommended Domain Name
We always recommend that your domain name be This is the domain recommended for Parish Councils by the e-Cabinet Office. Domains
* Please note that for all domain registrations, a cost of £150.00 every two years is payable. We pay this on your behalf and add the amount to your final invoice. We also provide you with the required Government Mandate Pro-forma, in addition to acting as ADMIN-C for the domain, though provide this service completely free of charge.
Hosting & Back-ups
Our websites are backed up on three different servers based around the UK and Europe (two main servers and one back-up / mirror server). This ensures that your website is always kept secure and your documents and files will be maintained to the highest level. Our servers run the most up-to-date software, and we offer a guaranteed server up-time of 99.99%.